It is not the time that counts, but what you do with it

The Book of the Way- Lao Tzu

The Dao – The  Human Life – The Everything in Between

What is the Everything in Between?, you ask.

It is what you make out of it.

You can chose love or hate.

Building up or destruction.

Forgiveness or revenge.

Kindness or aggression.

Hope or hopelessness.

The light or the darkness.

It is the sum of your choices which makes up the essence of your life.

So chose wisely.

The Everything in Between is the life that you chose to life.

Every day, every little step you do, every little word you say.

Let it be governed by love.


What do they see


What do they see when they look at me?

It’s the light they see inside of ME.

This light may shine, but it is not mine.

It’s eternal LOVE that came from above.

The Father’s love, His love song for me.

May you feel this love, wherever you are.

May it set you free and open your heart.

May you see your loved ones in the face of each child,

in every sunset, in every breath that you make.

Your life is blessed every step that you take.

Wherever you go, you can only win.

For your Father’s LOVE, it is within.

It carries you through the heavy and blue.

To the end of the rainbow with a treasure for you.

Return to innocence


My heart aches for the retrn

to innocence, for coming home

to my promised land.

Instead, time is moving on

and we in it.

So my heart longs for home,

and this ache drives me on;

on to foreign lands

that are not my own,

not my promised home.

What is then the sense of it?

Where my soul will find ist peace?

Oh my God, please lead me home,

where my child to will return.

I have cried all tears I have.

There is nothging in me left.

Let my heart bloom spring again.

For the heartbroken you heal

and your miracles reveal.



Berührungen, die heilen

In unserem Healing Worlds Tempel in den Weinbergen von Königswinter bieten wir die folgenden Massage-Behandlungen an:

  • Kalifornische Massage zur Entspannung, mit Elementen der hawaiianischen Heilmassage Lomi Lomi.
  • Klassische Massage zur Behandlung von Muskelverspannungen, bei Wunsch mit Thai-Massage kombiniert.
  • Rückenbegradigung nach der Dorn-Breuss-Methode.
  • Körperbehandlungen zur Straffung und Verjüngung, inkl. Pflege-Wraps aus pflegenden Ölen, Seetang, Heilerde, Meeresschlamm und Honig. Die Pflegeprodukte werden frisch in unserer Werkstatt zubereitet.


30 Min – 40 EUR

60 Min – 80 EUR

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